Song texts for album YAHWEH ELOHIM

  1. How amazing/ Stop now for a while

Stop now for a while and look around
How amazing! How amazing!
Every single star up in the sky
and every flower
How amazing! How amazing!

I don’t care
about anything else
for a while,
just want to be
alone with You, El Shaddai

Feel your presence, see your greatness, what You done for all of us.


Stop now for a while and look around
How amazing! How amazing!

  1. One step at a time

One step at a time
wanna leave all things behind
to see your eyes.


I love You and You love me
I know You do.
Your presence is here,
it fills this room.


One step…

  1. I speak Shalom

Shalom, I speak Shalom
from YAHWEH to fill your mind.

Joy, I speak Joy
from YAHWEH to fill your soul.

Light, I speak light
from YAHWEH to give you Shalom.

4 . Herren lever

Herren lever Herren är med oss,
Herren lever Herren är med oss.

Stora är Hans gärningar bland oss,
stora är Hans gärningar bland oss,
Herren lever Han har visat sig.

Han gick med oss botade sjuka.
Han var bland oss väckte upp döda.


Yeshua uppstod sände sin Ande
genom vilken oss undervisar.


Större gärningar Han oss lovat,
genom våra händer utföra.

  1. Yeshua elää

Yeshua elää Yeshua elää, miksi murehdit?
Hän on kanssas aina luonas, miksi epäilet?

Yeshua elää, Yeshua elää älä murehdi
Hän on luonas aina kanssas, älä epäile.

Yeshua elää, Yeshua elää, kiitä Häntä vain,
Hän on luonas aina kanssan, Häneen turvaudu.

  1. He is here

When times of sorrow depression fear and worries
comes like a darkness,
on a bright shining day.
You shall now your Father reaches out to help you
lead and guide you, back on your feet again.

If you get a sikness no need to worry, He is your healer might deliverer.

He is near, He takes care, trust in Him
He is your ABBA Father.
He is here He takes care, trust in Him He is your ABBA Father.

He is your ABBA FATHER..x2
He is my ABBA Father.




When I have YOU,
I got all I need.
You take care of me.

You know If I’m standing on sitting.
You are allways near.


When I have YOU,
I got all I need.
You keep me safe
You know if Im standing or sitting,
You are allways near.


  1. Lamb of GOD

Hear the songs of thousand angels, worshipping our GOD and saviour:

Lamb of GOD
Lamb of GOD
Holy Lamb of GOD


Million knees fall before Him people feel fear and adore Him:
Lamb of GOD….

Will you join this coir united, praice the lamb who was sacrified:
Lamb of GOD….

  1. You are YAHWEH

You are YAHWEH
You are YAHWEH
You are the One I love
One I need
One I believe.


The songs of this CD have been born out of an intense love and longing after GOD, the GOD of Israel. Many of them were born with tears. Since GOD has blessed them with His anointing I believe the right thing to do is to share them to help others to come into His presence hopefully to receive healing, deliverance, and much more.

Who is GOD for me?

GOD YHWH, is for me the most exciting person ever.
He is from where every living thing has his origin and from where all life comes from.

I have learned so much more about Him through reading the bible and experiencing and listening to other people’s experiences.

He is the beginning and the end,
When GOD commands life starts and at His command, the spirit of life is withdrawn and all that is left is just a dead shell of something that was living before.

GOD is the scariest being because He is so powerful,
He is bright shining stronger than the sun, His eyes are like flames of blue fire,
His hair and beard are white as snow and He is really really really big.
But He can show Himself in what size He wants.
He is the king of the universe, King of all Kings, all mighty, powerful,
for me, the times I have met Him it has been scary.
Yet there is nobody who loves as He does.
He loves everything He created.

Even if He is scary, I love Him more than anything else, because He has shown His love for me.

He is my Father, my creator,
Nobody knows me as much as He does He made me, He decided how my life would become.
He knew If I would follow His ways and plan for my life before He put me on earth.

He knows my weaknesses and all of my thoughts.

He is my greatest trainer and teacher,
He waits patiently while I’m being trained in all different ways.
He doesn’t give up.

When life is hard and rough, He wants me to trust in Him, to be grateful.

He sees me do the same mistakes again and again, but still, He waits patiently to learn and change to become better.

I want to become a better person, because of my love for Him.
I want to please Him with who I am, and my life, my choices, and everything, Not because I have to, no, just because I love Him.
And of course, I want to come closer to Him, if I want to come closer I need to be holy because He is Holy, He lives in holiness.

I wish I could communicate with Him all day long to get to know Him better so I could start to think the way He thinks. I know its impossible to get to know GOD fully,
the scriptures tell that even His spirit, Holy Spirit, Ruach Ha Kodesh studies the deeps of Him.

One of the most exciting things I learned about GOD is that He can come very close to a human and be a friend to a human, and that results in a very very exciting life for that person.
Because GOD never lacks energy, He is active, with Him there is no dull moment.
GOD wants to cooperate with us so that HE can do things on earth. (Im not fully sure of this though)
He needs us for that.
He has put rules, in the spiritual realm that He can not pass Himself.

GOD has very many names, but His main name is removed from our bible translations and that is YHWH.

One thing I’m really grateful for is that GOD always has time, He lives outside of time.

GOD is amazing, He loves colors and creates new things.
He is also funny.
GID can be angry, but He can also be glad.

He is the best father ever, He wants us to be happy so He has prepared heaven to become the best place for human beings ever. Heaven is a place of fulfilled dreams for everyone.
You can not lack anything in heaven.
Some of the things we wanted here on earth we will no longer want in heaven because our new bodies and life doesn’t need some things any longer. Still, we will be fully satisfied and happy in all areas.

Heaven is the most beautiful place, with the most satisfying atmosphere and way of living.

That He has created such an amazing place for us, tells a lot of Him.
He is not only good, He is the best.

My Father <3 love you so much.

Presentation: More of my private life

Hi! Shalom! I’m Johanna as I told ou before 🙂
I’m born in a Christian family, my parents got divorced when I was 8, I didn’t get any trauma from that since my father was never at home anyways.
When I was 11 I started to “rebel” and do things that I shouldn’t, my elder cousin went to the same school as me, learned me to do such things, my mother lost control and my father has never much been like a father so I was relocated by the social welfare board.

Between the age of 11-16, I was placed in different places, they call it treatment homes, emergency families, foster families, and even twice in juvenile detention.
Why they relocated me so often was because I was still living the way I wanted and wherever I went they told me after a while “sorry we can’t take care of you”

My mother was strict but my father didn’t care, he was the opposite.
In my heart, I wished to come to a Christian strict (in a good way) family because that was where I felt most loved and cared. I understand that at the age of 11 already that was love.

At the age of 16, I got a really powerful life-changing meeting with GOD through a messianic jew. That was when I realized that all the things that were messianic were wearing a lot of anointing. Things connected with Israel were more spiritually blessed and got a greater power in it.
The music is a great example. The messianic music takes one directly to the throne room of GOD to be before the fearful Allmighty YHWH like no other Christian music. I grew up in church so I know to tell the difference. I started to love the messianic.

Let’s jump from that to today:

My relationship with my parents today is that I love them, but I don’t have much with them to do. We think and are very different, but I love to see them from time to time.

I and my husband has been married for 2 years on Saturday 14/5-2022
It has been a really challenging relationship, but I saw his heart, and the potential of him becoming a good Christian man. It was I who led Mats to christ in 2019 I think.
We met through the internet.

So, we live in a big house up north in Sweden, we have rooms to rent when and if God sends someone to stay with us. Right now we have a lady staying with us.
We have 1 dog and 3 cats, 2 of the cats belong to the lady that stays with us.

We try to read the bible together every single day, so we finish it once in a year.

My husband is the head of the family, not because we are less important or valued, but because its how the scriptures tell us to live, I get all my important wishes to come true with my husband because he is a good one that listens and cares for what I want and need.
He puts me before himself mostly.

So I feel loved, adored, and cared. If he hurts me he regrets it and asks for forgiveness, sometimes even crying.

I don’t work, I’m on sick leave because GOD has paused my life for a while.
I have been very tired and depressed and still am not fully recovered, I think those experiences is something I can share about in this blog and it might be helpful to someone.

You can always write comments and ask me to share about something specific that you are interested in.

I’m 34, I have been married before. The reason for divorce was cheating.
I do have not any children but I long to get kids.

Even if I’m on sick leave I am not totally inactive, besides of this new blog, I also do some resin crosses to sell. I sometimes paint and play my harp and keyboard.
I have not been physically active lately but I like to play floorball.

I like to watch movies, play The Sims and some tv-games.

I try to keep everything we do and watch and bring to our house spiritually clean, there is so much spiritually dangerous around us.

I’m doing investments to try to get our money to grow, we have a lot of debts and don’t have our own house yet.

Besides all this, I’m trying to open/start an organization to help poor people and our orphanage in Kenya with 28 kids.

Presentation: What do i plan to write about in my new blog?

I’m planning to write about exciting revelations from the holy scriptures,
and experiences with GOD, about experiences that has to do with the Christian way of living.

Thats mainly it, I think, but I will try to keep every post as personal as possible,
I myself like to read teaching that includes personal stories, with personal experiences in the topics rather than just pure teachings 🙂

I will pray before and while I’m writing, and also try to add a picture and a prayer for the reader so that the reader can pray after reading each post.

Welcome again 🙂

Presentation of me and blog

I’m Johanna 34 years old, married to Mats, I live in Sweden, Swedes are the most atheistic people in the world.
These days 30% of the population is muslims in our country.
I know that GOD loves muslims, but the spirit behind Islam is growing stronger in our country.
The small minority that is still Christians in my country is mostly dry, I would say. They are not passionately burning for our living GOD that makes nonchristian here think Christianity is boring. This is a spiritually dry country but it has not always been that way, Sweden was once a Christian country, we still have the golden cross on our country flag and have rules that came from the bible.

Even though I’m born in Sweden I’m not a swede in the blood, my parents are from Finland.

This is a picture of me:

I have been creating this blog because GOD told me to write, writing things that has with GOD to do in one way or another is the thing I think I love most to do.
I had several blogs before, but I needed a new beginning, a new blog, and a new platform.
I searched for a Christian platform and found this CW.Center.

The blogs I had written before are in Swedish, this will be in English.

I’m spiritually a high sensitive person, when I create things for GOD I put my whole heart into it and spiritual discernment. When I do paintings I can cry, when I write I enter new rooms in the spiritual realm where even miracles can happen while I’m writing,
once for example, I was writing about Yeshua, (Yeshua is Jesus origin name, the name he was called when he was walking here on earth in His human body.)

A started to smell a really good smell in the whole room without any reason.
For me, it was a confirmation of GOD approving and even liking what I wrote, I was very excited and joyful about it.

So I would like to welcome you to this blog, and I pray that every single blog post will touch you with a holy fire that makes you become more passionate, hungry, and thirsty after our living GOD.

Love you <3 Welcome back again!